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Abstract:The news reflects the newest tendency of society and culture, and the news translation is not only about the language transformation, but also the culture elements behind the words. In order to serve this purpose, in the news translation process, the translator should pay special attention to translation strategy of cultural allusion. This topic is for the purpose of discovering some regular methods in news translation, and emphasizes the importance of Trans-Culture consciousness. News translation is quite different from literature translation. The most important reason is the words have lots of differences. The culture translation emphasizes on the images of art while news translation emphasizes on the communication of facts. The characters of news language and purpose decide that news translation must be exact, simple and common. The news translation has a lot of connections with culture, especially the allusion used in the news. The difficulty of understand the reports does not lie in the words but the cultural disturbance. The publication theme is widespread, and involves the English-speaking countries’ geographical environment, the political system, the diplomatic work, the armament condition, the technological progress, the culture and education, the social condition, the economical trade, the life prevailing custom and so on. In the area of news translation, there exists cultural Predicament because the western history and culture differ much from those of the east. The translation of allusion in news is quite important, for right methods could bring mutual understanding. The main methods include foreignizing translation, domesticating translation and the combination method, and those methods could bring cultural transcendence of news understanding as well as promote the communication between the western world and the eastern world. A good translator must grasp the nimble translation strategy and different methods, so as to guide goal language readers to understand and accept the reports adequately. Key Words: The news translation, cultural allusion, cross-cultural consciousness
中文摘要:新闻反映社会文化的最新动态,新闻翻译不仅仅是语言层面的简单对等,而是要将源语言所承载的深刻文化内涵展现出来,从而达到最佳的传播效果。为达到这一目的,在新闻翻译过程中,译者要特别注意翻译策略,因为策略立足于文化层面的价值取向。本课题旨在找出新闻翻译典故处理中的一些规律性的东西,概括出处理策略和具体方法,以使新闻翻译更有章可循。同时为新闻翻译提供借鉴与参考,强调在翻译实务中跨文化意识和文化素养的重要性。 新闻翻译要特别注意词语所蕴含的文化。外刊阅读理解的难度往往不在文字本身,而在于文化干扰。报刊题材广泛,内容丰富,涉及英语国家地理环境、政治体制、外交事务、军备状况、科技发展、文教事业、社会状况、经济贸易、健康医疗和生活风尚等。报刊语言中渗透着这些国家民族的行为准则、价值观念、风俗习惯、人际关系、精神风貌、民众心态和思维特征等。所以报刊实际上反映的是动态的、发展中的文化。词语中的文化内涵比较丰富。 在新闻翻译中,因为中西方历史、习俗、文化的差异,导致跨文化理解存在困境,而典故翻译无疑是其中重要一环。正确处理新闻翻译中的文化典故,主要有归化、异化、两种方法并用等策略。这对超越文化困境,促进中西方新闻理解、交流具有重大意义。 关键词:新闻翻译 文化典故 处理策略 跨文化意识
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:In the area of news translation, there exists cultural Predicament because the western history and culture differ much from those of the east. The translation of allusion in news is quite important, for right methods could bring mutual under...... |