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Abstract:Romanticism began in the late 18th century and flourished in the 19th century. As a reaction to the Enlightenment and a revolt against the prescribed rules of classicism, romanticism emphasizes the emotional, religious, social, and creative dimensions to the human personality. Almost all the romantic works are characterized by reliance on imagination and subjectivity, freedom of thought and expression, and idealization of nature. As the romantic movement developed, great romantic authors appeared generation by generation. Alexandre Dumas is one of the most popular romantic novelists in the 19th century. His greatest novels, which are famous for passionate characters, short but lively dialogue, and attractive plots, have been accepted and loved by numerous people. The Count of Monte Cristo is such a popular novel. The Count of Monte Cristo has been one of the few novels loved by both western readers and oriental readers. The reason lies in the romanticism in the novel. The romantic elements in The Count of Monte Cristo raise it to the top of popular novels in spite of its literary status. The bizarre convolutions of the plots firmly capture the interest of the readers as if a spell; the vivid and unique characters suit the perfect ideal of the readers; the carefully description of the environment and the exotic setting give readers an enjoyment of natural beauty and a taste of the exotic; the various techniques make readers addicated in the story and never feel boring, and the themes and motifs inspire and encourage the readers. It is the romantic temperaments of Dumas and the romantic elements in the novel that make The Count of Monte Cristo more readable, which is one of the most important factors that maintain its popularity through centuries. This article is going to study the romanticism in plots, characters, environment, techniques and themes, and find out the role of romanticism in the success of the novel. Key Words: Alexandre Dumas , The Count of Monte Cristo, Romanticism
摘要:浪漫主义文学诞生于18世纪末,在19世纪达到繁荣时期。浪漫主义注重人性中有关情绪、宗教、社会和创造性的一面。几乎所有的浪漫主义作品都有着这样的特点:依赖于想象和主观性,赞扬自由的观念和情感,以及对自然和人性的理想化。随着浪漫主义的发展,出现了一代又一代杰出的浪漫主义作家。亚历山大·仲马正是19世纪大受欢迎的浪漫主义作家之一。他所创作的一系列拥有大量读者的小说,以富有激情的人物、简短而生动的对话和颇具吸引力的故事情节而著名。其中,《基督山伯爵》就是这样一部为数不多为东西方读者同时接受和喜爱的通俗小说。 《基督山伯爵》之所以成为通俗小说的扛鼎之作,其主要原因就在于其中浪漫主义元素的运用。小说曲折离奇的情节牢牢地抓住了读者的心;生动形象又独具特色的人物正符合读者心目中完美的形象;细致的环境描写,尤其是异域风情的描绘更是给了读者美的享受;多种写作手法的运用使读者深深沉浸于故事中;小说的主旨更是发人深思。大仲马在《基督山伯爵》中的浪漫主义手法运用正是这部小说经久不衰的奥秘。本文将从小说情节、角色、环境、写作手法和主旨的角度探究《基督山伯爵》中的浪漫主义元素,揭示其对作品成功的意义。 关键词:大仲马 《基督山伯爵》 浪漫主义
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The Count of Monte Cristo has been one of the few novels loved by both western readers and oriental readers. The reason lies in the romanticism in the novel. The romantic elements in The Count of Monte Cristo raise it to the top of popular n...... |