
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(雨橙)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-01-07
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Abstract:Romeo and Juliet is one of the famous masterpieces from William Shakespeare. It is adapted into a film called the same name, focusing on the theme of perpetual love, which has far-reaching influences on broad readers or audiences. There are many scholars doing some research and analysis of the figures’ character in Romeo and Juliet, but few applies the approach of individualist feminism, which the author will try in this paper.This thesis will analyze the characteristics and the life attitude of Juliet, her mother and the nurse in the play from the perspective of individualist feminism.

Key Words:individualist feminism; optimism; pursue; Romeo and Juliet





   In this play, Romeo and Juliet,all these three female characters have a close relationship in their life. They have different status and different ages, each of them vividly represents the corresponding female identity at that time.About the Juliet what Shakespeare wants to express is Juliet has already realized that she has right to fight for herself. She refuses to listen to her parents and marry Paris. She refuses to obey the male authority. After discussing the character and the life attitudes of Juliet from the perspective of individualist feminism, the author draws a conclusion that Juliet’s characteristic under Shakespeare’s pen is beautiful, brave and clever. But she is not smart enough to understand the truth of her life and her love. She doesn’t know what she really deserves. And in the end,with the help of Friar Laurence,she finds the way of her own to pursue a better life. Lady Capulet is totally different from Juliet. The affection of male authority is deeply buried inside her mind. She just obeys and agrees with Lord Capulet at his will. And at the beginning of the play, the nurse is a supporter for Juliet, and urges Juliet to go after the true love. And she helps Juliet to pursue Juliet’s own happiness before Romeo killed Typbalt.


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述: There are many scholars doing some research and analysis of the figures’ character in Romeo and Juliet, but few applies the approach of individualist feminism, which the author will try in this paper.This thesis will analyze the charact......