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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(离不开你)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-01-25
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ABSTRACT:Nowadays, with the continuing development of education and closely connection with the foreign countries, there is a common phenomenon that an increasing number of students tend to study abroad for their further education. No matter the universities or the colleges, as one of the most important education bases should enhance the level of Chinese education in front of the irresistible trend by attracting the essence of foreign education, and finally stepping into the whole world. Therefore, based on their original Chinese names, these higher educational institutions create the English names of their own for the convenience of the exchanges. However, the name of a university or college can be regarded as intangible assets, which has a strong influence on its development. One main purpose of translation is to enhance communication, to make known to the public so as to attract more students both at home and abroad. But due to lack of necessary guidance of regulations, the institutions have to decide the English names by themselves. Without any standard of nominating, the English names of colleges have produced much ambiguity, caused many misunderstandings. This paper aims to analyze the problems in English names of the Chinese colleges, summarize the translating methods, and makes proposals for the improvement.

Key words: C-E translation   college name   external exchange   intangible assets translation criterion



关键字:中译英  高校校名  对外交流  无形资产  翻译标准

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述: the English names of colleges have produced much ambiguity, caused many misunderstandings. This paper aims to analyze the problems in English names of the Chinese colleges, summarize the translating methods, and makes proposals for the impr......