
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(离不开你)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-01-29
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Abstract:With the China’s economy’s prosperity at a rapid speed, business negotiation at home and aboard has been conducted far more frequently. In order to raise the efficiency and probability of success and win advantageous position in the business negotiation, therefore, it is necessary for negotiators to analyze counterparts’ behavior and figure out some methods to satisfy their needs and discover some traits that affect the way the counterparts behave when negotiating. To study the application of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in business negotiation, on the basis of reviewing the research results by other scholars, the paper studies the main content of the theory. First, Maslow’s self-actualization theory is analyzed. Based on deep research of Maslow’s self-actualization, four specific case studies of business negotiation practices are fully explained and analyzed in the study. Then reasonable skills and strategies are proposed for negotiators. 

Key words: Business Negotiation  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Self-actualization Need



关键词:商务谈判  马斯洛需求层次论  自我实现

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述: the paper studies the main content of the theory. First, Maslow’s self-actualization theory is analyzed. Based on deep research of Maslow’s self-actualization, four specific case studies of business negotiation practices are fully expla......