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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(刘教授)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-02-24
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Abstract:Learning burnout reflects the negative learning psychology of cotemporary undergraduates, which matters directly to the current undergraduates’ learning quality (Sun Xiaoli, 2007 :Ⅱ). While winning a good lot of researchers, few were done on independent colleges.

   This study attempts to explore the situation of learning burnout of English majors in independent colleges. It centers around two dimensions concerning a general study on the current burnout situation and the contributing factors. Some possible measures of overcoming burnout are introduced additionally. 

   English majors in Zengcheng College of South China Normal University were chosen as subjects. Questionnaires are employed. The findings of this research are: (l) the overall learning burnout status of English major in Zengcheng College of South China Normal University is in a moderate degree; (2) there is no distinctive difference of learning burnout between different sexes, but there is a distinctive difference among different dimensions. Females’ burnout is more serious than males’ in the dimension of depersonalization and lower personal accomplishment while males’ is more serious in emotional exhaustion dimension; (3)burnout is more serious in higher grades; (4)the strongest contributing factor of burnout is personal and interpersonal relationship, followed by school, family and society.

Key words: learning burnout; English majors; independent colleges; contributing factors






论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This study attempts to explore the situation of learning burnout of English majors in independent colleges. It centers around two dimensions concerning a general study on the current burnout situation and the contributing factors. Some possi......