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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(白色球鞋)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-04-16
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Abstract: As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time. The appearance of everything, including euphemism, has its reasons. The emergence of English euphemisms has a close relation with language taboos and religion. Since English euphemisms play an important role in social communication, they are worth careful and thorough study. This paper will mainly deal with the formation, classification and social functions of English euphemisms in business negotiations. Various methods have been used to form English euphemisms, including phonetic devices, spelling devices, vocabulary devices, grammatical devices and rhetorical devices.  Through analysis and understanding of the euphemisms, we can use euphemisms to point out our statements or desire implicitly in business English negotiations. It will help us to establish good business negotiation environment

Key words: Euphemism, business negotiation, application




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:In business negotiations, we need to use euphemism to make the negotiations go well, and reach the purpose we need. But the use of euphemism also could be affected by culture and different negotiation restrictions. ......