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Abstract:Translation is not only a bilingual activity but also a bicultural one. With the rapid development of economy and cultural exchanges, unprecedented attention is being paid to cultural aspect in translation. The close relationship between language and culture demands that translators should attach importance to the study of culture-loaded words because some cultural information obvious to the source language readers may be difficult for the target language readers to understand. This is especially true of the translation of literary works. This thesis makes a close examination of how exactly to convey the cultural information contained in the culture-loaded words in literary translation. There exist two opposite view points on the issue of how to deal with cultural differences in the translation circle both at home and abroad, that is, foreignization and domestication. The two sides hold their respective opinions firmly and cannot come to an agreement. In recent years, many works and articles on foreignization and domestication have been published at home and abroad, which have broadened the study of the two from different angles. The practice of literary translation since 1870 in China has also proved that the two strategies are supplementary and cannot be separated from each other. However, they cannot be treated equally in literary translation. In order to successfully fulfill the task of cultural exchange of translation, translators should take various factors into consideration and carefully choose appropriate translation strategies. They should use the two as flexibly as possible and follow the rule that foreignization should be dominant and domestication is supplementary, which is the general trend of the development of literary translation in the future. In the last part of the thesis, the author makes a case study of the translation strategies and methods of the culture-loaded words and expressions in “Gone with the Wind”. The thesis expounds the relationship between foreignization and domestication in the translation of literary works, i.e., foreignization comes first and domestication second, which will provide valuable instructions for translators who translate literary works. Key Words: Literary translation; Foreignization; Domestication; Gone with the Wind
中文摘要:翻译不仅是双语活动,而且同时是双文化活动。随着经济和文化交流的高速发展,翻译中的文化问题正受到前所未有的关注。语言和文化的紧密关系要求译者在翻译过程中必须重视文化词语的研究,因为有些对源语读者来说显而易见的文化内容对译语读者来说却难以理解。文学作品的翻译尤其如此。本文主要探讨文学翻译中如何准确地传达原文中文化词语所蕴含的文化信息问题。 在如何处理文化差异的问题上,无论是国内还是国外的翻译界,都存在两种对立的观点,即异化与归化。两方各执己见,互补相让。近年来,国内外探讨异化、归化理论的文章更是数不胜数。这些文章从不同角度拓展了归化和异化的研究。 中国一百多年的文学翻译的实践也说明了异化与归化是相辅相成,不可分割的。然而,在文学翻译中异化与归化决不能等同视之。为了使翻译真正实现文化交流的目的,译者应综合考虑多种因素,慎重选择翻译策略,把握好异化与归化的度。文学翻译应该尽量遵循异化为主,归化为辅,两者灵活选用的原则,这是未来文学翻译发展的总体趋势、 文章的后半部分通过对《飘》的两个译本的词汇与语法两方面进行比较,从而证明了文学翻译应该以异化为主,归化为补充手段这一结论。并为翻译工作者今后进行文学作品的翻译提供了有益的借鉴。 关键词:文学翻译;异化;归化;《飘》 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Nowadays there are two main methods in the literary translation which are often used, and they are Domestication and Foreignization. The former means to put the source language into a target language using the strategies of Domestication so ...... |