
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(圈圈)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-07-12
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Abstract:  Based on previous researches, the author makes further explorations and discussions about the similarities and differences between English and Chinese euphemisms. Firstly, the origin, definition, functions and relationship between English and Chinese euphemisms are illustrated. Then from the aspects of death, diseases and occupations, the similarities between English and Chinese euphemisms are talked about and the differences are discussed from the aspects of old age and privacy. At last, causes of similarities and differences between English and Chinese euphemisms are analyzed. This paper aims to help people to communicate efficiently in cross-cultural conversation and to avoid misunderstandings and offenses.

Key words: English euphemisms; Chinese euphemisms; similarities; differences




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:People have used euphemisms unconsciously in daily communications for a long time. Though there was no comprehensive study in the past time, euphemisms actually have a long history both in the east and in the west......