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Abstract:This paper focuses on the different concept of love and marriage in Pride and Prejudice. Jane. Austen held the theme of feminist consciousness and used the daily life story as material. Pride and Prejudice reflects the occlusive life condition and people’s life from the end of eighteen century to the beginning of the nineteen century. As Aucom darfur in said, Jane. Austen is an outstanding moralist who uses her novel to educate readers. And the way of her is cautious and thoughtful. This paper will pay attention to four marriages in the novel and analyses women’s different love and marriage concept. The meaning of the theme selection is to use four different marriages (Jane and Bingley, Lucas and Collins, Lydia and Wickham, Elizabeth and Darcy) to show Elizabeth’s distinct concept of love and marriage, which insist marriage on the basic of true love and equality. This theme is also kinds of caution to some marriage are still just based on money and material in our society.

Key words: Elizabeth female, concept of marriage, concept of love


中文摘要:本文的关注点在于简.奥斯汀(Jane. Austen)的《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)中女性的不同爱情观。简.奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中主要围绕女性意识这一主题,以日常生活为素材,生动地反应了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。正如奥康淖尔所说,奥斯汀是位“最杰出的道德家,她总是通过小说来教育读者,而且她教导的方式是谨慎而周到的。”本文将从原著中四段不同的婚姻情节中着手,分析思维女性不同的婚姻观和爱情观,同时将每位女性的爱情观和婚姻观与伊丽莎白相比较。本文的选题意义在于,通过对四段不同的婚姻(柯林斯与夏洛特,简与宾利,莉迪亚和威克姆,伊丽莎白与达西)的比较,显示出伊丽莎白独特的崇尚以爱而生,不以金钱地位为基础的婚姻观。也为当今高速发展的经济社会中越来越多因只重视物质生活而不幸的婚姻提出警示。


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The woman-centered novel was deliberately didactic, conscious of setting standards of morality and behavior in a world that wanted them. It was critical of mere materialism; it valued genteel manners, female subjectivity, women’s lives, an......