
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(圈圈)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-07-13
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Abstract:As a product of culture, movie enriches the culture while culture is the foundation of movie. Movies are deeply planted into every culture over centuries and have close relationship with people’s daily life. 

   This paper devotes itself to describing the differences in various aspects between Chinese and western cultures on the basis of the movie entitled with Guasha and exploring the causes which lead to such cultural differences. First this paper briefly describes this movie. And then mainly describes the cultural differences between China and Western cultures in this movie and analyzes these plots from the angle of the differences in Chinese and western’s attitude to the children and the view of child education, family, friendship and “face”. The results show that the cultural differences are bound to be there due to the differences in perspective of philosophy, mode of conduct, history, geography, etc. Ways to solve the cultural conflicts are offered finally. It asks us to learn to tolerate, adapt to the cultural diversity and have the intercultural awareness.

Key words:  the movie Guasha; cultural differences; causes; solutions




关键词:  电影《刮痧》;中西方文化差异;原因;解决方法

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The story is about a contemporary new immigrant family in the United States. The entire process is completed in the United States, and the movie contains a lot of English dialogues, which accounts for two thirds of the film. The family lives......