
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(笑笑)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-07-21
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Abstract: As is known to all, vocabulary is one of the three basic elements in English teaching. However, most teachers in China always neglect the importance of English vocabulary teaching. As a result, students are lack of the efficiency in the appropriate application of new words. To many students, the accumulation of the vocabulary has long remained to be their headache, especially in the period of secondary school. This paper aims at making an analysis of the relevant reasons due to the weakness of vocabulary acquisition by observing a sample lesson in a secondary school, and makes suggestions for vocabulary teaching with the help of situational methodology.

Key words: English vocabulary teaching; secondary school; situational methodology



关键词:英语词汇教学; 初中; 情境教学法

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This thesis mainly deals with the application of the situational methodology in English vocabulary teaching in secondary school. It consists of five parts. First it states the rationales for the present vocabulary teaching in secondary schoo......