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Abstract:This paper is going to analyze Antonio, the character in the drama of The Merchant of Venice by the most famous English dramatist, William Shakespeare. In the play, William Shakespeare designed many impressive characters with different characteristics, such as Portia, Shylock and so on, but Antonio is the merchant of Venice which is entitled the play. He is a key person, who forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following and indispensable in the play. The paper will analyze Antonio’s personality, position, and his value in the play from his relationships with other different characters to find out his value and significance in the play, especially, from his friendship with Bassanio and his deal with Shylock, the Jewish moneylender. In the play, Antonio appears to be a benevolent and honest person in the people’s eyes of Venice. He is pleased and always ready to help others and helps his friend win a wife. He lends money without asking for interests. What is more, he is a newly rising capitalist and develops his trade abroad. He represents the rising bourgeoisie, signifying progress and development in contrast with Shylock, the Jewish moneylender, who is a representative of the feudalism economy, symbolizing cruelty, backwardness and decay. It is useful and helpful to better understand and appreciate the play of The Merchant of Venice and the purpose of his creation to know more and well Antonio, the merchant of Venice. Key words: Antonio, a newly rising capitalist, Shylock, moneylender
摘要:本论文主要分析英国著名剧作家家威廉.莎士比亚的作品《威尼斯商人》中安东尼奥的这一角色。沙士比亚在这部戏剧作品中刻画了诸多个性鲜明的角色,鲍西亚、夏洛克等,但剧中人物安东尼奥却是该剧标题中的“威尼斯商人”,是剧中承上启下的人物,不可或缺的人物。 本文将依据安东尼奥和不同人物之间的关系,分析安东尼奥人、他的性格、立场和他在剧中的作用,并试图发掘作者创造这一角色所表达的意义与价值。 本文将主要从其角色与它在剧中的作用两个方面展开分析。首先是他的身份和立场,这其中包含他如何对待朋友和对立面两个方面;此外,是他在剧中的作用,即他在剧中的呈现的新兴资产阶级形象,以此衬托夏洛克为代表的封建主义腐朽、落后的经济模式。 关键词:安东尼奥、新兴资产阶级、夏洛克、放贷者 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The Merchant of Venice is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous earlier comedies. The play is best known for its characters such as the Jewish moneylender Shylock and the spirited maiden Portia; but the true “Merchant of Venice” in ...... |