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Abstract:From studying the successful case of the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Corporation under the economic globalization, it is no doubt that effective management is supportive for a multinational corporation in creating a predominant brand. This thesis aims at illustrating the idea that the successful management can mean lucrative income and good opportunities that are essential for a multinational corporation to survive or prosper under the economic globalization.It describes the essentials and important meanings of management in a company’s international business strategy,analyses some relevant factors that can usually influence the management,and also discusses how to perform the management successfully.Meanwhile,it points out that standardization is the essential of the chain operation and quality is the basis of brand development, analyzes the foresighted marketing measures, and shows the motives and methods of KFC to gain favorable social effects in applying public relation(PR) theory. In addition, it is scientific analysis and disciplined procedure that build up the basis of expansion with both high quality and quantity. It goes to deep analysis on the flying wheel of KFC’s success, which includes its core competence, culture, Yum Model that adapting to its strategy for multi-branding. What’s more, it analyzes the competitive situation that other restaurants must face and points out that unstandardized product and less knowledge on consumer behaviors are the key reason for the failure of other fast food chains. Last but not least, the author hopes to give some humble suggestions to Chinese corporations through this thesis to help them expand their business to the international market successfully. Key words: economic globalization; multinational corporation; KFC; operation
摘 要:本文从经济全球化这一视角研究了肯德基公司在世界各国所取得的成就,分析了肯德基公司成功的跨国管理模式,说明有效的跨国管理已经成为培养企业国际经营核心竞争力的重要因素,在跨国企业创立其主要品牌的过程中起了不可置疑的支持作用。 本文的目的在于阐述成功的管理技巧能给企业带来巨大的机会和收益,是跨国公司在经济全球化下生存和发展必不可少的条件。文章指明了管理在国际贸易策略中不可动摇的地位,并且讨论了跨国公司如何成功的管理。同时,文章提出了标准化是连锁经营的前提,高品质是品牌发展的基础。分析了肯德基步步为营处处占先机的行销手段和研究了肯德基建立良好社会效益的动机和措施。另外,从更深层次的角度研究了支持肯德基快速发展的飞轮是企业文化和管理之道,此核心竞争力是其战略管理模式和多品牌经营的基础。最后,本文探讨了餐饮行业的竞争态势和大多数快餐企业失利的原因,并指出产品的标准化对消费者的把握是其需要改进的地方。 作者希望能给中国跨国企业一些启示,使其在国际化经营的道路上能借鉴这些成功的经验,打造中国品牌,不断提升国际知名度,走出国门,走向世界。 关键词:经济全球化; 跨国公司; 肯德基; 经营 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Globalization, whose advantages and disadvantages have been thoroughly scrutinized and argued in recent years, is of great importance to every company all over the world. Whether a company should be globalized now has become a hotspot in the...... |