
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(21克拉)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-10-07
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Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the influence of the EU language policy by analyzing the advantages and the disadvantages of carrying out the diversified language policy. This paper introduces the general situation of the EU, briefly summarizes the evolution process of EU's language policy, and introduces the main content of diverse language policy. This paper uses some special angle of view to evaluate this issue. In the analysis of the benefits of the diverse language policy, there are the economic, political and cultural perspectives in the research. This paper also uses the legal perspective in the study of the defects of language diversification policy. The research is mainly conducted to analyze the problem which brought by the language policy from the perspective of human rights. This paper introduces the different opinions on the language diversity from the various experts, and draws a conclusion from the personal point of view: the diversity of the EU language policy has both advantages and disadvantages.

Key words: EU; language policy; evaluation; diversity; advantages and disadvantages



关键词:欧洲联盟; 语言政策;评价;多样性;利弊

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The significance of this research is mainly for the intention to evaluate and analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Then, notice its implication and extract some experience and lessons from it to deal with the problem which caused in Chi......