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ABSTRACT:Oscar Wilde was a famous English writer in the 19th century, most of his works showed the aestheticism of the Victoria era. The Picture of Dorian Gray was his only long novel, it mainly described the story of a young man who lived an immoral life and finally punished by his behavior. In recent years, a lot of researches have been done from the psychological and linguistic angles. This thesis will focus on analyzing Henry’s images of an interpreter of the Victorian fake morality, a tempter of Dorian's evil consciousness and a spokesman of aestheticism by using aestheticism and the background of Victorian era, which will help readers have a better understanding of Henry and the aestheticism. 

Keywords: Henry Wotton; image; aestheticism


摘要: 奥斯卡.王尔德是英国十九世纪杰出的作家,他的大部分作品都反映了英国维多利亚时期的唯美主义思想。《道连.格雷的画像》是他唯一的一部长篇小说,主要描写了一个道德败坏遂招致惩罚的年轻人的故事。近年来,许多学者从心理学和语言学角度对该小说进行了研究。本文结合唯美主义及维多利亚时代的背景,分析了亨利作为维多利亚时代伪道德的解读者,道连恶意识的唤醒者,道连堕落的诱惑者以及唯美主义代言人的形象,从而加深读者对亨利性格特征的把握和理解,帮助读者更好的了解王尔德的唯美主义。

关键词: 亨利.沃登;人物形象;唯美主义

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Oscar Wilde was a famous novelist, playwright, poet and critic in the late nineteenth century, and he was the chief leader of the Aesthetic movement, the aesthetes advocate "art for art's sake". He was born in Dublin, Ireland, his father was......