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Abstract: The idea of carpe diem originates from a line in a Latin poem by Roman poet Horace. As an important theme in literature, it inspired many works of a cavalier poet—Robert Herrick. This essay aims to analyze the sensory imagery, poetic structure and pagan spirit in three of Herrick’s poems to fully understand the carpe diem motif and the artistic charms of his works.

Key words: carpe diem, Robert Herrick, imagery, structure, paganism


摘要: “及时行乐”源自古罗马诗人贺拉斯的诗句,作为文学作品中的一种主题,“骑士派”诗人罗伯特•赫里克深受其影响。本文拟选取他的三首诗歌,通过分析其诗歌意象、诗歌结构和异教思想等,来深入认识“及时行乐”这一主题的内涵以及罗伯特•赫里克诗歌的艺术魅力。


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:He was the eldest and perhaps the most pious of the “Sons of Ben”. Among other things, he is the master of the blithe lyric, bringing equal skill to amorous songs, satiric couplets, pagan drinking rounds and devotional poetry and “exto......