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Abstract: Spectral criticism, which has been widely studied in recent two decades, is one of the crucial literary criticisms of the 21st century. Specters exist in quantity in Coetzee’s (2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature) work The Master of Petersburg, which makes it a typical text to be studied in the light of spectral criticism. Through an analysis of the characters within and beyond the novel possessed by different sorts of specters, we may reach a conclusion that everyone is more or less possessed in the real world and fictional world as well.  

Key words: Spectral criticism, Coetzee, The Master of Petersburg, possessed


摘要:“幽灵批评”理论是21世纪重要的文学批评理论之一, 这20年来得到广泛研究。2003年诺贝尔文学奖得主库切的小说《彼得堡的大师》中充斥着各种各样的幽灵,使之成为典型的幽灵文本。 通过分析小说内外人物的附身状态,我们可以说库切通过该小说表达了这样一个思想:我们都被附身了。

