
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(好男孩)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-06-14
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Abstract:With the rapid development of economic globalization, communicating with foreigners is very common in our modern society. Communication is mostly based on languages and some words and has been endowed with magic and power in particular language acts, which we call taboo. In the West and East, taboo is a prevailing social and cultural phenomenon. English and Chinese have some similarities and differences in terms of taboo. Making a comparative  analysis of those taboos can help people understand the cultural connotation in different values and ethics. It is also good for international contact and cultural exchange between different countries in the world.


Keywords: taboos;cultural phenomenon;magic and power;  international communication





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Definition of taboos-2

2.2 Origin of taboos-3

2.3 Development of taboos-3

3. Taboos in English and Chinese-3

3.1 Similarities between English and Chinese taboos-4

3.1.1 Death and disease-4

3.1.2 Race and religion-4

3.1.3 Physical disability-5

3.1.4 Sex-6

3.2 Differences between English and Chinese taboos-6

3.2.1 Number and color-6

3.2.2 Privacy-6

3.2.3 Appellation and names-7

4. Taboos in spoken languages-7

4.1Taboos in spoken English-7

4.2 Taboos in spoken Chinese-8

5. Implications of this study-8

5.1 Implications for English learners-8

5.2 How to avoid using taboos in cross-cultural communication-9

5.2.1 Having a good knowledge of the taboo-9

5.2.2 Using euphemism-9

5.2.3 Doing in Rome as Romans do-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-12
