
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(小萌男)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract: This study sets out to write a comparison between Tuesdays with Morrie and its film adaptation in terms of structure, plot and different aesthetic effects the two distinct works of art bring to the audience. Some obvious differences are listed in this dissertation, including a detailed time chart. Reasons are given to explain why the director has made certain changes while adapting. The results show that though literature and film - as two distinct types of media - differ a lot in many aspects, they can also be considered complementary to each other. The paper concludes that both the novel and the adapted film have their own strengths. 

Key words: film adaptation; literature; structure; plot






1.1 Definition of Film Adaptation

1.2 Feasibility of the Film Adaptation of Tuesdays with Morrie

2. Literature Review.2

3. Narrative Approach in the Novel and Film3

3.1 Structures in the Novel and Film

3.2 Main Clues in the Novel and Film

4. Plot in the Novel and Film.5

4.1 Simplification of plots in the film

4.1.1 The Fourteen lessons

4.1.2 The “Nightline” Interview

4.2 Absence of Certain of the Novel’s Characters in the Film

5. Conclusion9


