
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(小萌男)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:Foreign language learning motivation is one of the most important non-intellual factor that influence students’ performance in language learning. The effect of English learning is largely affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic drive. Intrinsic drive includes social motivation; certificate motivation; instrumental motivation and achievement motivation, while extrinsic drive includes interest motivation and integrative motivation.

This paper, with the appropriate design of questionnaire including 20 questions on learning motivation, takes the qualitative and  quantitative mode  to questionnaire 110 English  Major students of 2009 in Xuzhou Institute of Technology. Then using SPSS software to analysis the data, hoping that the research conclusion could do a certain enlightenment to the practical teaching in English. 

This thesis includes five chapters. The first chapter introduces the background  and significance of the thesis. The second Chapter is the literature review, mainly introduces the domestic and foreign research achievements on Language Learning Motivation. The third chapter is the design of the research, mainly introduces the object, tools and processes of the research. The fourth chapter is data  analysis and  uses SPSS  to  instruct  the  data. The fifth chapter  is the conclusion, the author puts forward some suggestion to English teachers  based  on  the findings of the research, meanwhile, points out the deficiency of the study.


Keywords:  English majors  undergraduate  learning motivation  internal driver  external driver





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background of Study-1

1.2 The Significance of Study-1

Chapter Two  Literature Review-3

2.1 Motivation-3

2.2 Previous Motivation Research-3

2.2.1Gardner’s Motivation Theory-3

2.2.2 Dornyei’s Three-level Motivation-4

2.2.3 Qin and Wen’s Study-5

Chapter Three Methodology of the Investigation-6

3.1 Research Design-6

3.2 Research Subjects-6

3.3 Research Procedure-6

Chapter Four  Results and Discussion-8

4.1 Analysis of Descriptive Statistics-8

4.2 Analysis of Induced Factors-11

4.2.1 Improper Perception-11

4.2.2 Traditional Teaching Methods-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-13


