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A Research into Metro Crowding in Guangzhou
摘要:出行自由是人类生存、发展的基本权利之一。出行也是城市中的基本生活方式之一,又是一种基本的消费行为。当社会物质水平达到一定的阶段,人类继基本需求后就要提出选择需求。 在广州,选择何种出行方式曾经困扰着广大市民。选择公交车,受城市规划、红绿灯、停站等一些客观因素的,时间上无法控制,而且在没有座位的情况下乘客会比较辛苦;选择出租车,舒适度与时间会得到很大的改善,但成本较高,这也会给市民们带来比较大的负担。而广州地铁的出现,则给广州市民带来了极大的方便,是广州的生活节奏真正快速起来。 但是近几年来广州地铁的状况越来越不好,本文主要是通过采访,针对上班族,学生还有老人来了解广大市民对广州地铁的看法以及意见,从接受调查采访的几位市民身上看,他们都反映了地铁如今的一个共同的问题——那就是拥挤,但是在高峰期的时候,因为地铁的时效性还有广州交通的现状,很多人仍然会选择地铁出行,所以他们也有很多自己的意见,去更好的建设广州地铁。 据广大市民认为,其产生的原因万变不离其宗——就是乘客与地铁公司共同的责任。地铁的建设越来越好,但同时也越来越拥挤。那是因为地铁的人流量也在不断大量增加,但是这就更要呼吁地铁公司能够做好疏散人流的工作,广大乘客能够文明出行,建设一个好的乘车环境,建设一个美好的广州。 关键词:广州地铁,拥挤,责任,文明出行,人流量
Abstract:The freedom of travel is one of the basic rights for human being to live and develop.Transportation is one of the basic necessities of life in the city and a consuming behavior as well. When the society develops to a certain stage, people seek for a better choice to travel. In Guangzhou, citizens are puzzled by the choices of transportation. When you choose bus, you can’t control your time due to such objective factors as public work construction, traffic lights and stops, and you will also be tired when there are no seats for you. Of course, the situation can be improved when you choose taxis, but it costs so much, it’s a huge burden for people. Nowadays, we get the metro, which brings us convenience and make our life more efficient. In the recent years, the situation of Guangzhou metro goes worse. So I want to know about the citizens’ ideas and suggestions about the situation of Guangzhou metro through interview with workers, students and old people. From their interview, we get that the main problem of Guangzhou metro is crowding. Crowded as it is, people still choose it in the rush hours. Therefore, many of them have their idea of how to improve this situation. Citizens all have the same idea that it’s the responsibility of all the passengers and the metro company. The construction becomes better but at the same time it’s more and more crowded. That’s because the number of passengers increases rapidly. To improve this problem, the metro company needs to do a good job in passenger services and to us we need to obey the regulations to ensure a good environment for traveling and a nice Guangzhou together. Key words: Guangzhou Metro, Crowding Situation, Responsibility, Civilized Travel,The number of passengers
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:通过采访,针对上班族,学生还有老人来了解广大市民对广州地铁的看法以及意见,从接受调查采访的几位市民身上看,他们都反映了地铁如今的一个共同的问题——那就是拥挤,但是...... |