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Abstract:This research paper analyses the cause of pride and prejudice referred to in Jane Austen’s masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice and decorated by some psychological theory. The formation of pride could be accounted on the following: first, the possessor’ pleasing “possession” he or she owns which is worth of being proud of; and one’s character is also no exception involved; second, the prejudiced attitude to others; third, the surroundings’ effect and manner to them, others’ flattery, for instance, could lead to one’s self-importance stereotype. As for the factors of being prejudged, a negative attitude toward certain real or imagined characteristics of a person; the authoritarian personality rooted from self-esteem and anti-intraception lead its owner to a stereotypical way of thinking others and the world. Their attitudes are often limited and unfair; in addition, the excess or deficiency of information all could be the seed of prejudice. There actually have similarity and bonds between pride and prejudice. In some cases it is clearly stereotype is the source of conceitedness; while in other cases arrogance in return develops the wrong judgment. The aim of this statement is not only reveal the relation between pride and prejudice but also be conscious of them and avoid them as possible in our daily life premise on an ample understanding of them. Key words: the causes of pride, the causes of prejudice, Pride and Prejudice, literature.
摘要:本文以简奥斯汀的经典著作《傲慢与偏见》中的人物为素材,分析了傲慢和偏见的成因。如傲慢可源于其对自身所有物的骄傲和自豪,而自身的品格也包括在内;另外对他人有偏见,鄙夷他人也会产生自身高高在上的感觉;最后其周围人对他的谄媚讨好态度也会助长他的气焰。产生偏见的成因则包括:对他人缺陷的不满,缺点有时甚至是不存在的,是凭空臆想的、危言耸听的;而自满和缺乏自省也会造成偏见,因为它们都会通过一种权威人格表现出来,是人们用自己的模式化态度和眼光看待他人,看待世界。而这种态度通常是偏激的,片面的。此外掌握信息不足或是单一来源的太多也会造成对他人的误解。通过分析以上原因,我们了解到傲慢与偏见在某些方面是相似相通的,可以说在有成因方面有着密切的联系。这些理论同时也可运用于生活中,使个体对其他人的观点评论有一个深刻的了解和自省。对傲慢和偏见成因的认识可以帮助我们意识自己生活上的不足并加以控制和改正,使我们生活在一个更少傲慢和偏见的和谐世界里。 关键词:傲慢的成因,偏见的成因,傲慢与偏见,文学
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:In some cases it is clearly stereotype is the source of conceitedness; while in other cases arrogance in return develops the wrong judgment. The aim of this statement is not only reveal the relation between pride and prejudice but also be co...... |