
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(Angela)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-09-02
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Abstract:Public sign is a special type of writing, targeting at foreigners. So the Chinese-English translation of public signs is bound to be closely related to language and culture,and intertextuality theory precisely meets such a demand, for translation itself is a kind of intertextuality activity. Based on the above considerations,the author would like to tentatively explore the translation of public signs from the perspective of intertextuality.After a detailed discussion and exploration of the relation between intertextuality and C-E translation of public signs, the author of this thesis goes on to undertake a case study of C-E translation of public signs in Guangzhou City. Through the study, the author concludes that intertextuality theory plays a directive role in both theoretical study and practice of C-E translation of public signs. The author expects that the research results and suggestions of this thesis will help improve the quality of C-E translation of public signs and benefit the favorable image of Guangzhou City as an international metropolis. 

Key words: public signs; intertextuality; translation





论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Through the study, the author concludes that intertextuality theory plays a directive role in both theoretical study and practice of C-E translation of public signs. The author expects that the research results and suggestions of this thesis......