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Abstract:In human interactions, both language communication and nonverbal communication are also very important. Especially in the new century, along with the development of economy, science, technology, culture, trade and other aspects, the communication between nations happens with increasing frequency. Therefore, nonverbal interaction can not be ignored in the cross-culture. Sometimes someone’s action or dressing can convey a certain meaning to another one. This is the unique feature of nonverbal interaction. However, it is a kind of customs which is formed in our daily life. So the cultural differences lead different people to make different comprehensions of the same nonverbal interaction. What's more, Chinese introverted culture is different from the western open culture. So we can not understand the western nonverbal interaction well. Therefore, if people ignore it in the cross-cultural communication, some misunderstandings will appear. People should find out their similarities and differences in order to conduct people’s cross-culture communication, This dissertation aims to conduct a genre analysis of differences of nonverbal interaction between China and the western countries. First, it explains the meaning of the nonverbal interaction and the nonverbal interaction in the cross-culture. Second, the paper will find out the different cultures are reasons, which lead to misunderstand nonverbal interaction. In addition, it explains the nonverbal symbols and their types, such as body behavior, spatial behavior, appearance and language behavior. And then it analyzes body posture, gesture, facial expression, body distance etc. Finally, it takes the English nonverbal interaction as an example. It is easy to further understand the differences of nonverbal interaction between China and the western countries through comparing the nonverbal interaction in China with it in England. It is hoped that the findings of this dissertation will help people to communicate with others successfully. Key Words: nonverbal interaction; nonverbal symbols; differences
中文摘要:人类交往中,除了强调语言交际之外,非语言交际也很重要。特别在新的世纪里,由于经济,科技,文化,贸易等方面的全球化,使得国与国人群之间的交际更加频繁,因此非语言交际在跨文化交际中的地位更不可忽视。有时候某人的一个动作或者衣著打扮就可以向某些人传达某种意思,就是非语言行为的独特之处。然而它是在人们生活工作中约定俗成的习惯性动作,故文化差异性导致不同国家的人对同样的非语言行为会有不同的理解。同时,由于中国的传统文化强调内敛,与西方开放式的文化形成强烈的对比,所以在交往过程中,我们很难理解西方的某些非语言行为。因此,在跨国际贸易交往中如果忽略了不同文化背景下的行为,会导致出现误解,我们更应该找出他们的异同,有助于人与人的交往。 本文目的在于分析中西方跨文化交际中的非语言行为差异,先解释何谓非语言行为及跨文化非语言行为,其次会突出解释文化的差异性导致非语言交际的困难性,然后从跨文化的层面来剖析非语言符号和介绍非语言行为的类型,包括体态行为,时空行为,外表行为和类语言行为,其次讲述他们的功能,然后通过分析身体姿势,手势,表情,体距等方面,最后以英国非语言行为为例子,阐述中国与英国非语言行为异同,进一步了解中西方跨文化交际中的非语言行为的差异,从而让我们更好的进行跨文化交际。 关键词:非语言行为;非语言交际符号;差异
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This dissertation aims to conduct a genre analysis of differences of nonverbal interaction between China and the western countries. First, it explains the meaning of the nonverbal interaction and the nonverbal interaction in the cross-cultu...... |