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Abstract:The Llittle Prince is a famous book written by French aristocrat writer and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is one of the best-sellers ever published and has been translated into more than 250 languages and dialects. Though the little prince is a novella and a children’s book, it has profound meaning. This dissertation will try to explore the character that hides in the little prince. It will analyze from the perspectives of the different character between the little prince and grown-ups. It will also explore the little prince's perspectives towards things and try to find the revelation from the little prince. Key Words:The Little Prince; character; meaning
摘要:《小王子》是一部十分著名的书,是出版史上最畅销的书籍之一,被翻译成250多种语言。《小王子》的作者是圣埃克絮佩里,他出生在一个法国的没落贵族之家。尽管《小王子》是一本短篇小说和儿童童话,但是它有着非常深层的含义。本文将探索《小王子》这本寓意深刻而抽象的书中所体现的价值观,将小王子与大人进行比较,分析这二者之间不同的价值观,并从中探索出小王子对事物的看法,展现《小王子》带给读者的启示意义。 关键词: 小王子;性格;意义
From what have been analyzed above and these comparisons between the little prince and the adults, we can see the little prince is very different from those adults. This dissertation concludes that the little prince is a person who has vivid imagination to think widely and has a sense of humor to be positive towards life. He also has his principles to stick and he knows what he wants and what he needs. He can see things or the situations throughout for he gets a clear mind. The little prince is a kind person. He cares about love, the meaning of life and the responsibility. Besides, he also cares about others at the same time. But those who had forgot they have grown up from little children have not imagination. What they focus are figures or the shallow appearances. They are shallow person who see things superficially and they want things more than they need. They are confused by themselves or others and also controlled by rules. They do not care about what the little prince cares; they care nothing but their own needs.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Though the little prince is a novella and a children’s book, it has profound meaning. This dissertation will try to explore the character that hides in the little prince. It will analyze from the perspectives of the different character bet...... |