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Abstract:Through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the thesis makes an analysis of four news reports released in New York Times (NYT) and China Daily (CD), in order to reveal the different attitudes of China and America implicated in the news reports. Among the four reports, two are about the exchange of fire between North Korea and South Korea, and the other two are about the joint naval exercise held by U.S. and South Korea. The authority of NYT and CD ensures the objectivity and credibility of this thesis. The findings showed that China, as a neighboring country to both South Korea and North Korea, insisted on its neutral stance and advocated a peaceful way to allay the tension. On the other hand, reports in NYT unveiled that U.S. firmly supported South Korea and was superior to South Korea whenever South Korea made political decisions and conducted political activities. U.S. and South Korea strongly urged North Korea to bear the consequences of the fire. NYT claimed clearly that if there was any offensive action, U.S. and South Korea would jointly launch a counterattack in self-defense. Additionally, U.S. regarded China to be North Korea's allied nation, who should condemn the violent fire set by North Korea. Key Words: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Lexical Classification, Nominalizaiton, Reported Speeches
摘要:本文围绕批评性语言学理论,在对批评性语篇分析具体理解介绍的基础上,选取四篇新闻语篇,进行对比分析。四篇语篇两篇关于韩朝开火事件,另两篇关于美韩联合军演。为保证选材的合理和分析结果的可信,四篇新闻语篇选自于中国日报和纽约时报,两者均为权威性的英文报纸,可以分别代表中国和美国对于所发生事件的政治态度。分析结果发现:中国日报对于这两个时间持中立态度,不偏袒朝鲜和美韩联军中的任何一方,并且坚定不移地支持利用和平方式解决一切问题。而纽约时报的报道则毫无疑问地揭示了美国的立场——支持韩国一切政治及军事决策,强烈要求朝鲜对开火时间负责,明确表示若朝鲜再有任何侵犯韩国的行为,美国将于韩国联合反击。并且纽约时报的报道中多次体现出美国认为中国作为朝鲜的同盟国,应该强烈谴责朝鲜的行为。 关键字:批评性语言分析, 分类,名词化,转述引语
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The findings showed that China, as a neighboring country to both South Korea and North Korea, insisted on its neutral stance and advocated a peaceful way to allay the tension. On the other hand, reports in NYT unveiled that U.S. firmly suppo...... |