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ABSTRACT:JD Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" is a classic in American literature. The protagonist, Holden wandered alone on the streets of New York after being expelled from school. His experience demonstrates that after World War II, the United States, in the guise of booming economy, witnessed the spiritual emptiness of the youth. Since it was published in 1951, the book was at first regarded as controversial yet eventually becomes a must-read book for young Americans. Holden, the anti-hero image became a typical representative of the Beat Generation. In recent years, this book is also quite popular among young people in China. In addition to meticulous description, they found resonance in Holden. China today, after 30 years of reform and opening up, is enjoying rapid economic development as well as a well-off living conditions. But the spiritual civilization is relatively at a slow pace. Born in this period, Chinese post-90s generation is no doubt clearly engraved with the brand of the times. They are uninhibited, loving all kinds of non-mainstream culture. They are self-centered, refusing to grow up. But under their appearance hides a lonely soul with emptiness. This thesis will analyze the characters of these young Chinese through analyzing the characters of Holden. It includes a total of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction; second chapter will analyze the similarities in social backgrounds between post-World War II America and China today, so as to come up with the general reasons for their characters. Chapter III will list four aspects of personality similarities between them. Chapter IV will highlight the merits in their personalities. The last part is conclusion. Hope this thesis can help further understand Chinese post-90s generation. Key words:Post-90s generation characteristic similarities backgrounds
中文摘要:JD塞林格先生的《麦田里的守望者》是美国文学史上的经典之作,它通过男主人公,霍尔顿在被学校开出后,独自一人在纽约街头流浪的经历,向人们展示了二战后期的美国 ,在繁华经济的外衣下,青年精神世界的空虚。该书自1951年出版以来,争议不断,最终成为美国青少年必看的成长读本。主人公,霍尔顿反英雄的形象成为了当时垮掉一代的典型代表。近几年,此书也在中国青少年中颇为盛行,除了作者细致的笔法外,他们更多是在其中找到共鸣。当今中国,经过了30多年的改革开放,经济飞速发展,人民生活越为殷实,但精神发展的步伐却相对较慢,出身在这一时期的90后,无疑都鲜明地刻上了时代的烙印。他们不羁,爱好各种非主流文化,他们拒绝长大,以自我为中心,但在他们任性外表下的是一颗颗孤寂的心和一具具空虚的灵魂。本文就会通过麦田里的守望者的视角,从霍尔顿的性格分析入手,来剖析中国90后的性格特征。本文包括一共五章,第一章是绪论;第二章将分析二战后期的美国与当今中国的社会大背景的相似点,从大环境上指出霍尔顿与中国90后性格相似的的原因。第三章将从反叛主流文化,以自我为中心,拒绝长大和精神空虚这四个方面来阐述他们之间的性格相似点。第四章将着力上扬笔锋,突出二者性格中的优秀之处。最后一部分为结语。希望借此文,能够进一步剖析让人匪夷所思的中国90后,取其精华,去其糟粕。 关键词:90后 性格相似 背景
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Chapter III will list four aspects of personality similarities between them. Chapter IV will highlight the merits in their personalities. The last part is conclusion. Hope this thesis can help further understand Chinese post-90s generation....... |