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Abstract:O. Henry was a famous American short-story writer in the twentieth century. He was also the “the founder of American modern short stories”. In his lifetime, he wrote about 300 short stories which reflect the realities of the American society of the early twenties. His short stories are well known for the unique languages, satirical tones, witty structures, humorous styles, and the unexpected but thought-provoking endings. Meanwhile, they contain precious humanity as well as special literary values and are adored by readers around the world. O. Henry’s life is short but rich in trials and tribulations. The complicated hard life experience serves as an invaluable treasury to O. Henry, for it not only acquaints him with numerous people from various walks of life and makes him better understand their lives but also provides him with rich inspiration and materials for his writing career later on. Most of O. Henry’s short stories focus on the unfortunate lives and emotions of the obscure people from the lower ranks of society. Among them, the ones on the lives of Manhattan citizens are especially distinctive and distinguished, and that is the reason why O. Henry is honored “Manhattan Laureate Poet”. Characters in O. Henry’s stories usually come from humble origins but have noble minds. They lead poor lives but have rich emotions. Despite that they struggle to survive in the evil capitalistic American society with scarcely enough food or shelter, they still maintain the bright side of human nature and show deep concern and sympathy for other poor and unlucky people. In times of difficulty, they care and help one another, displaying the true nobility of humanity. They even make great self-sacrifices for the sake of other people’s happiness. Through the vivid description of their difficult and miserable lives, O. Henry expressed deep concern and sympathy for them. And by singing the praises of the great friendships and love among them, O. Henry expressed his ardent longing and persistent pursuit for the warmth and brilliance of humanity. Key Words: O. Henry, Short Stories, Self-Sacrifice, Friendship, Love
摘要:欧·亨利是美国二十世纪初颇负盛名的短篇小说家,同时也被称为美国现代短篇小说的开创者。他一生中共创作了约三百篇短篇小说,反映了20世纪初期的美国社会现实生活。欧•亨利的短篇小说因其独特的语言、讽刺的笔调、奇巧的构思、幽默的风格及耐人寻味引人深思的结尾而蜚声美国乃至世界文坛并以其特有的人性价值和艺术价值赢得世人的喜爱。欧•亨利的一生虽然短暂但是却经历了许多传奇般的坎坷和磨难。复杂而多难的生活经历成为他人生的一笔宝贵财富,因为这些经历不仅使他得以熟识了来自社会各个阶层从事各种行业的人们,深刻的体会到了他们生活的艰辛也磨难,同时也成为他今后的创作生涯提供了丰富灵感和广泛素材的来源。欧•亨利的小说大都重点反映来了自社会底层的小人物的不幸生活和高尚情感。而这类小说中描写纽约曼哈顿市民生活的短篇故事尤其的别具一格且成就卓著,这也是欧•亨利被冠以“曼哈领桂冠诗人”美誉的原因。欧•亨利笔下的小人物通常都是出身贫穷卑微但是他们却拥有高贵的人性。虽然他们过的是贫困的生活但是却拥有丰富的感情。他们挣扎在美国资本主义社会的冷酷魔爪下,饥寒交迫,食不果腹,衣不蔽体,但是他们却仍然保有人类天性中善良的一面,仍对其他贫困不幸的人表现出了深切的同情和担忧。他们富有同情在患难之中表现出互相关心、互相帮助的高尚人品。甚至为了他人的幸福,他们能牺牲自己的财富,舒适的生活,甚至是自己的生命。通过对这些渺小却高尚的人物的困顿和不幸生活的惟妙惟肖的描写,表达了欧•亨利对这些生活在社会底层的人民的深切同情和关怀。通过对这些小人物间伟大的友谊和爱情的讴歌欧•亨利表达了他对美好人性的温情和光辉的热切向往和执着追求。 关键词:欧•亨利,短篇小说,自我牺牲,友谊,爱
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Through the vivid description of their difficult and miserable lives, O. Henry expressed deep concern and sympathy for them. And by singing the praises of the great friendships and love among them, O. Henry expressed his ardent longing and p...... |