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Abstract:After the WWI, a group of people who returned from the battlefield and was physically and psychologically hurt form an age of people called the lost generation. Hemingway wrote this book The Sun Also Rises according to his own experience. This book describes the life style, emotion experience and personal value in details. Hemingway uses different writing skills to depict the characters and plots, and emphasizes differently. This article will pay more attention to the analysis of characters. This article further analyzes the characters of the book. The different experience and personality of each character make them epitome of the society. Jake is a narrator seeking for his true love; Brett is a widow made by the war being the representative of new woman. The personalities shown on these characters make readers and critics continuously unscramble this book. At last this article talks about the events happened in France and Spain in this book. The contrast between crowding and solitude, metropolis and countryside, dancing and bullfighting is another sparkling spot of this novel. From the article we know that every character has his personality and reflection of the lost generation. Although they had lost themselves, they were going on their life trip and tried to recognize themselves. Keywords: The Lost Generation, New heroism, New Woman, spirit process of the lost generation
摘要:在一战结束的大背景下,美国出现了迷惘的一代,经历战争,遭受创伤,找不到自己的方向。海明威依照自己的个人经历,撰写了《太阳照样升起》,详细描述了一战之后迷惘一代的生活方式,情感经历和个人价值观。 海明威在对书中人物,情节刻画时使用了不同的手法,对于每个人物的分析是本文的重点。 本文对书中的人物进行深入的分析。每一个角色都有着共性和不同,不同的经历,促使书中几位主人公所组成的小团体成为了社会的缩影。杰克,作为描述者,寻找自己真爱;勃莱特,一战的寡妇成为新妇女的代表。最后本文对小说的情节进行分析,书中人物所经历的不同事件以及他们不同的处事风格正是迷惘的最好体现。 从讨论中我们了解了每一个人身上所带有的特点,每个人拥有的不同性格,以及他们身上迷惘一代的体现。迷惘的一代他们虽然迷失了自己,但依旧在追寻,渴望找回自己。 关键词:迷惘的一代,英雄主义,新妇女,迷惘的一代人生探索
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This article further analyzes the characters of the book. The different experience and personality of each character make them epitome of the society. Jake is a narrator seeking for his true love; Brett is a widow made by the war being the r...... |