[英语] 中英文化视角下颜色词黑白的翻译_英语论文.doc
Color words existed in every corner of the world. They have meaningful intension and play a very important role between Chinese and English culture. They contain different national features because people...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5817 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 中泰文化背景下的初中英语课堂管理对比研究_英语论文.doc
Classroom management is a subject. This paper will discuss the key requirements of the new curriculum reform and the way to construct new classroom management model based on student-centeredness from providing...
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[英语] 中式菜肴名称的英译探讨_英语论文.doc
China is known as the “Cuisine Kingdom in the World”, because Chinese cooking has a long history, and Chinese cuisine is very famous in the world now. Chinese food is diverse, and there are mainly eight traditional cuisines, including cu...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5214 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 用人格结构理论解读《红字》中海丝特.白兰的性格特征_英语论文.doc
In terms of Hawthorne’s professional career, he has achieved a great success. He was preoccupied with writing and formally published his maiden work in 1837 , which were two volumes of short stories called Twice—Told Tales. Afterwards, H...
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[英语] 英语专业学生对中外英语教师教学风格的看法研究_英语论文.doc
In recent years, there are a growing number of native English teachers, teaching English in Chinese classroom. So there are some domestic and overseas discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of native English teachers and non-nati...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6665 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 英语专业学生对英语课堂纠错行为的看法研究_英语论文.doc
As to the students, they need to consider whether they like the way their teachers always take, which method they prefer, what errors they want their teachers to correct, and when is the best time for teachers to correct the errors so as to ...
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[英语] 英语专业大三学生在英语专业四级新闻听力中所运用的方法调查_英语论文.doc
TEM-4, a national English test mainly for second-year English majors in china, is held once a year in April to exam English majors’ levels and abilities. It mainly includes six parts: listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, cloze,...
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[英语] 英语政治委婉语的特点及其交际功能_英语论文.doc
Many scholars have studied this phenomenon from various aspects, such as its definition, classification, interpretation and so on. Euphemism, as an indispensable and natural part of the English language,it is important in keeping daily commu...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:8654 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 英语语法教学与交际语言教学相结合的调查研究--XX中学为例_英语论文.doc
Especially in remote and undeveloped areas, there is no more English communication environment in many places. If teachers also choose the only one teaching method, students will just be able to do English test paper....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6094 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 英语教师在英语教学中角色的扮演_英语论文.doc
One of the most important tasks of Foreign Language Teaching in our country is to study what roles of foreign language teacher(s) play in the classroom. Without a doubt, teachers play indispensable parts in English education industry, becaus...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4549 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 英语化妆品平面广告的词汇特点_英语论文.doc
In this chapter, something about the research will be introduced. The first part is a brief introduction of advertisement. The second part lists some previous researches on advertising language, both abroad and at home. The third and fourth ...
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[英语] 英汉动物习语的文化内涵比较及其翻译_英语论文.doc
Language is a prominent part of culture. Language indicates the abundant characteristics of culture, which is created by the people in long-term development process. Every language form is the carrier of culture and it embodies culture featu...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5964 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 小说《秀拉》中的存在主义探析_英语论文.doc
Sula was the second work of Toni Morrison. It mainly described the pain and the struggle of a black girl. She was different from other characters. On the one hand, she had to bear the racial discrimination, class oppression and gender discri...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5841 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 图式理论在XX中学初三年级英语阅读理解中的运用调查_英语论文.doc
Reading is a fundamental and necessary skill for students who learn English as a foreign language or English learners. Learners use reading as a tool to get information in different areas, for example, sports, medicine, geography, science a...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:8269 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 浅析英汉动物习语对比_英语论文.doc
This study is mainly focused on the similarities and differences of animal words in Chinese and English, and explores the major reasons behind them: 1) It will help to achieve a thorough understanding, a proper command and a solid grasp of a...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6385 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 浅谈国际贸易“询盘”函电词汇特点_英语论文.doc
Thus, not only the students but also the businessman realized that the people who have good foreign trade knowledge will have more chances to enter the enterprise. In this time, the business correspondence plays an important role in the fore...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5817 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 美式俚语在社会文化中的使用及其影响_英语论文.doc
Slang as an informal language is used in every informal social occasion. It seems like dialects in our country that widely used in social and cultural life. With the economic development, more and more people are learning English for their w...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:7374 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 角色扮演在初中英语口语教学中的应用_英语论文.doc
Nowadays, English has become one of the most important international communication languages. It is well-known that English is the most widely used language in the world, more useful than any other foreign languages, it is increasingly used ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4710 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 关于多媒体在XX中学英语教学中运用的调查_英语论文.doc
As an innovative teaching method, multimedia-assisted English teaching has been striding into the classroom teaching. Besides, multimedia-assisted English teaching becomes more and more mature with the rapid development of modern educational...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6316 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 非英语专业新生英语阅读策略调查_英语论文.doc
Although now more and more people pay more attention to English reading strategies, due to different reasons, most of the students can not use English reading strategies very well, resulting in poor performance in English reading....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:10193 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 从托尼.莫里森的《最蓝的眼睛》探讨非裔美国人的文化背离_英语论文.doc
The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison’s first novel. It was a story of the most delicate and vulnerable members in the world---children and women. Later, Morrison explained that the story developed out of a conversation she had in an elementary ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6453 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 从关联理论浅析美国情景喜剧《老友记》中的言语幽默_英语论文.doc
As a language phenomenon, humor has a significant importance in our life. In daily communication, humor not only adds pleasure to life, but also is the symbol of personal wit and education. In general, humor can be classified into categories...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5904 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 埃兹拉庞德《在一个地铁车站》的几种译本比较研究_英语论文.doc
Ezra Pound is regarded as a pioneer of American imagist poet and his creative translation of Chinese classical poems into English has greatly promoted the development of modernist poetry in English. American poets and critics often call him...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5510 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] Y市公共标识语翻译现状的调查_英语论文.doc
With the rapid development of our society and close connection with the outside world, Yuxi becomes a charming city for foreigners of all walks of life in increasing number. People have considered many measures to make foreigners to know bet...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5865 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 《麦田里的守望者》的异化主题分析_英语论文.doc
The social background set in The Catcher in the Rye is in 1949, New York, a capitalist society. It is well known that the 20th century is a changeable and troubled period in America because there were two World Wars happening during less tha...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:7218 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 《老人与海》主题再诠释_英语论文.doc
“A theme is a general idea or insight about life that a writer wishes to express in a literary work. All the elements of a literary work, such as plot, setting, characterization and figurative language, contribute to the development of its...
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[英语] 《纯真年代》中梅.韦兰和爱伦.奥兰斯卡的形象分析_英语论文.doc
In The Age of Innocence, Wharton wrote about a tragic story with love as main theme in upper class of America in the nineteenth century. Scholars studied main characters, psychologies of characters and the marriage system in it. The author o...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6516 更新时间:2016-12-16
[英语] 中西方餐桌礼仪文化的差异_英语论文.doc
In recent years, a lot of scholars have done researches on cultural differences between Chinese and Western dining etiquettes. From the literature it can be found that dining etiquettes has aroused extensive concern among academic circles....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5143 更新时间:2016-12-14
[英语] 英汉习语联想意义差异的跨文化分析_英语论文.doc
Since English and Chinese belong to different linguistic systems, the analysis of the grammatical meaning of a word is of less significance in our comparative study. English and Chinese languages have developed a variety ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4999 更新时间:2016-12-14
[英语] 英汉禁忌语对比_英语论文.doc
We often say language is the carrier of culture, taboo reflects the cultural background and implication. While the world get smaller and smaller, it is urgent for us to understand foreign cultural backgrounds and get along with people who co...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4216 更新时间:2016-12-14