[英语] 古诗文中模糊数词的英译_英语论文.doc
Translation theories of Chinese poetry are being generally evolved through a wealth of practices. So far there has not been a complete and specific study of the translation of numerals, but it now attracts an increasing attention....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4143 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 公示语汉英翻译的问题与对策_英语论文.doc
Public sign is a kind of particular style, which is shown to special persons, with a purpose to reach a certain communicative goal. There are such public signs as road signs, advertisements, instructions, billboards, propaganda, tour manuals...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5066 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 对比分析英汉语言禁忌_英语论文.doc
Thus it can be seen that verbal taboo is an important linguistic phenomenon both in English and Chinese, so it is inevitable for many scholars to make a lot of researches in this issue. However, our researches are not complete,...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5535 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 对《野性的呼唤》中巴克的尼采式解读_英语论文.doc
That work, began in December 1902 and was published in 1903. It was titled The Call of the Wild, whose main character is a Yukon sled dog named Buck. Buck, the dog-hero of the story, half St. Bernard and half sheepdog, lives at Judge Miller’...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5369 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 从语言和文化角度看美国俚语_英语论文.doc
It is easy for people to use slang in their everyday life but hard to write about. Different linguists hold different opinions of the definitions of slang. “Slang is a language which takes off its coat, spit on its hands, and goes to work”...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4965 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 从情感传递因素谈商业广告的翻译原则_英语论文.doc
The present work deals mainly with translation principles of commercial advertisements. The problem to be discussed in this thesis is related closely to emotional transmission. The renowned translator believed that translating means communic...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5282 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 从目的论看英语软新闻标题的翻译_英语论文.doc
This is particularly true of translated news headlines as forerunners to news reports. News headlines reach the audience considerably wider than the translated news story itself, which are strategically used by the editor by choosing emotive...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4405 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 从目的论的角度看产品说明书的汉译_英语论文.doc
Product instructions are usually considered as an important marketing tool since customers prefer to buy products which can be trusted and easy to operate by the instructions. Generally, a complete instruction contains at least four parts, t...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5196 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 《小妇人》中乔的成长之路的分析_英语论文.doc
In all, Lousia published over 30 books and collections of stories. Despite of the worse health, she wrote through the rest of her life. She died on March 6, 1888, only 2 years after her father’s death....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4255 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的心理转变分析_英语论文.doc
The description of old scientist’s strong retaliation to Dimmesdale and his personality and psychology portrays a vivid and lively picture. After reading the comments, appreciation and related papers about it, I find myself best interested...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4221 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义元素探析_英语论文.doc
His works Sister Carrie, Financier and American Tragedy were leading the American writers and readers to know about the naturalism. His sprawling imagination and cumbersome style kept him from performing well in the smaller literary forms...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:3877 更新时间:2016-10-05
[英语] 政治新闻英语翻译的特点和策略_英语论文.doc
Political news English refers to the English used in news reporting, newscast, feature articles and opinion writing. It is a special variety of language and has unique features at various language levels, including the lexical, grammatical a...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:3680 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 英语专业学生英语学习动机调查研究_英语论文.doc
However, there is a lack of research on learning motivation of English majors from private colleges. This study aims to investigate the EFL motivation of English majors from private colleges in order to provide useful reference for English t...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5489 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 英汉习语文化对比及翻译策略_英语论文.doc
This thesis focuses on the cultural differences between English and Chinese idioms as well as translation methods of Chinese and English idioms. It will help us to have a better understanding of the idiom. And with the rapid development of c...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4678 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 食品商标翻译中的文化体现_英语论文.doc
It symbolizes the product or service of a manufacturer. A successfully designed trademark can bring about enormous value in a real sense, which is invisible wealth of a company. Therefore, trademark is of more and more importance in “globa...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4814 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 涉外合同翻译原则_英语论文.doc
This article first analyzes the translation principles including faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance of business contracts and then explores the skills of translation by citing examples. It also picks out some translation errors, the c...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4209 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 情景教学法在初中英语语法教学中的应用_英语论文.doc
The final goal of the English grammar teaching is to develop the students' English communicative ability. The situation-based teaching method, one kind of the English human relations activity, is the birth of the new standard of the curricul...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4043 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 论中西方饮食文化的差异_英语论文.doc
Therefore, the nationality has the typical significant cultural characteristic. The dietary culture’s development and the change have often reflected the society’s evolution and the progress. Through the comparison of the Chinese and for...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4539 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 合作学习在高中英语写作教学中的运用_英语论文.doc
This paper is aimed to make a related study from five aspects. The author first provides the literature review, including the background of cooperative learning, the definition and components and the basic theories of cooperative learning. S...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4798 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 典型修辞手法在英语演说中的运用_英语论文.doc
According to the history of western rhetoric, speech is the origin of rhetoric and also rhetoric is a technique to study speech. Therefore, during the process of giving speeches, we should consider how to put figures of speech into them, us...
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[英语] 黛西--艳丽容颜下的腐朽灵魂_英语论文.doc
The year after the publication of The Great Gatsby saw a gradual deterioration in Fitzgerald's life: Zelda suffered from a series of schizophrenic breakdowns, and in 1934 had to be put in a sanitarium, and Fitzgerald himself became an alcoho...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5056 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 从饮食角度看中西文化差异_英语论文.doc
Both Chinese food and Western food emphasize nutrition of food. However, everything is relative, culture difference is no exception. With the differences of areas, circumstances and customs, Chinese food embodies a lot of differences from th...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4367 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 《野性的呼唤》中的生态主义批评_英语论文.doc
Jack London, whose life symbolized the power of will, was the most successful writer in America in the early 20th Century. His vigorous stories of men and animals against the environment, and survival against hardships were drawn mainly from...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:3500 更新时间:2016-10-04
[英语] 中英文化差异下翻译的不可译现象研究_英语论文.doc
This is the process in which the content of one language is changed into that of another while the message is well kept. The American famous translation theorist Eugene A. Nida defines translation as: “Translating consists in reproducing ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:7158 更新时间:2016-10-03
[英语] 中西方主要传统节日的对比分析_英语论文.doc
However, some researches have focused only on the description of the cultural differences, other work has sought to show how cultural differences in traditional festivals both reflect and reproduce social differences. Accordingly,...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6778 更新时间:2016-10-03
[英语] 中西方“面子观”在跨文化交际上的差异_英语论文.doc
Tracing back the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Wikipedia defines "Face" as a fundamental concept in the fields of sociology, sociolinguistics, semantics, politeness theory, psychology, political science, communication, and Face Negotiation ...
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[英语] 中国菜名的命名及英译_英语论文.doc
Chinese food, rich and colorful, has a long history. Its naming, both realistic approach and freehand style, not only contains a wealth of historical and cultural background, but full of interesting folk and local flavor....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4193 更新时间:2016-10-03
[英语] 游戏在小学英语教学中的运用_英语论文.doc
Interest is a good teacher for pupils in the process of learning a foreign language. Then, what are children most interested in? The answer is very simple: games. The practice of games is explicitly listed in the language skills for primary ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4625 更新时间:2016-10-03
[英语] 英语语音同化现象分析_英语论文.doc
The structure of this thesis is as follows: Section 1 gives a brief introduction to the research topic and the outline of the whole thesis. Section 2 offers a literature review about different concepts of assimilation in diffferent sciences ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5705 更新时间:2016-10-03
[英语] 英汉宗教委婉语的对比研究_英语论文.doc
With the broadening of exchange between China and other countries, the intercultural exchange between Chinese people and other countries becomes more and more frequent. In the intercultural exchange, both the participants of different backgr...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5139 更新时间:2016-10-03