
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马少华 MA Shao - hua (Huanghe Science and Technology College ,Zhengzhou Henan 450063, China)


出  处:《湖北函授学院学报》2017年第1期136-137,共2页

摘  要:外语学习不仅是获取文字,而是以此为契机让作为主体的人类面向世界、融入世界、甚至是掌握变革世界的能力。外语教育中重要的一项literacies,即两个人面对面的直接对话能力。说话者应用外语向对方传达自己想表达内容的同时,又能深入展开考虑对方所说内容的这种能力,关于中国外语学习者而言非常欠缺。这种对话能力足以改变自己和改变世界。本文应用巴赫金对话理论,结合日语教学实践,研讨对话式教学措施。Learning a foreign language is not only about acquiring words and characters, but a great chance to make human be-ings, which are the subjects of the world have the abilities to face, to get involved, and even to transform the world. One keyaspect of the foreign language education is literacies, i.e. the capability of face - to - face communication between two individ-uals. Chinese language learners perform generally poor in terms of this ability, which means that Chinese students usually findit difficult to use a foreign language delivering their thoughts and developing the topic by taking the other speaker reply into ac-count simultaneously. Personally speaking, this communication skill is powerful enough to change both the individuals and theworld. This essay tries to develop the method of communication in teaching by applying Bakhtin Dialogism and combining withJapanese teaching practices.

关 键 词:对话式教学 巴赫金 弗莱雷 日语教育 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
