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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:文贵良 Wen Guiliang


出  处:《学术月刊》2017年第1期137-144,共8页Academic Monthly

摘  要:东北沦陷时期,日本帝国主义者把日语定为伪满洲国的“国语”之一种,日语成为殖民工具,是殖民意识形态的载体。“同文同种”成为日本殖民的话语符号,制定满语假名方案来达到“文”的融合,而《协和之花》中吴羡云与中岛芳子的结婚则喻示了“种”的融合,日语毕业论文,但这些都不过是“同文同种”这一殖民魅惑性话语的演绎而已。“协和语”是日语殖民的产物,带有浓厚的殖民色彩,但像小说《咖啡女》的语言及其想象则暴露了“协和语”的自我殖民问题。In the period of the fall of Northeast China, the Japanese imperialists regarded Japanese as one of the "national languages" of "Manchukuo". Therefore Japanese was used as a colonial tool and a carrier of colonial ideology. One of the important representations of colonial discourse is "the same language and the same specie", in which Manchu kana program was developed to achieve the integration of "the same language" while marriage between Chinese and Japanese such as Wu Xianyun and Nakajima Fangzi in the story Harmony Flower became a way to achieve "the same specie". Moreover, "Harmony Language" was not only the product of Japanese colonialism with strong colonial color, but also arose the selfcolonization issues in the story The Coffee Woman.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:I206[文学—中国文学]
