
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张冰 ZHANG Bing


出  处:图书情报导刊》2017年第2期39-41,共3页Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy

基  金:吉林师范学院2017年校级教学探讨课题“高校外文资源在高等教育中的应用与探究”(项目编号:Jlsdjy201774)

摘  要:日文图书是高校图书馆馆藏的重要组成部分,其中蕴藏着大量有关日本语言、历史、地理、文学、经济的知识和信息,是日语系学生提高自身学习能力和素质的重要资源。略论了日语系学生的就业形势及日文图书的利用近况,指出应通过加强高校图书馆的日文图书管理和服务工作、发挥日语系师生的影响来实现日文图书的教育价值。Japanese books, which are an important part in university library's collection, contain a large number of knowledge and information related to Japan's language, history, geography, literature and economy, and are very important resources that can help students who major in Japanese improve their learning abilities and qualities.This paper analyzes the employment situation of Japanese major students and the application status of Japanese books, and points out that university library should realize the educational value of Japanese books though strengthening university library's management and service of Japanese books and giving full play to the functions of Japanese major teachers and students.

关 键 词:高校图书馆 日文图书 日语系学生 教育价值 

分 类 号:G258.6[文化科学—图书馆学]
