
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王忻 WANG Xin ( School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)


出  处:《外国》2017年第4期75-83,共9页Journal of Foreign Languages

基  金:国家社科基金项目“对中国日语学习者偏误认知语言学探讨”(09BYY078)

摘  要:利用偏误进行对比探讨,是对比语言学措施论的一个创新;在此之上引入认知语言学原理作为工具进行作业,以尝试提出偏误一对比一认知的探讨范式。这种探讨范式虽尚属非主流,但它既符合语言学探讨的规律,日语论文,也有相应的理论依据。“对中国日语学习者偏误的认知语言学探讨”项目的具体实践也为本探讨范式提供了成功的佐证:其每个个案的探讨都是从学习者偏误出发,然后使用认知语言学的理论,由此去观察日语和中文的本质上的差异,找出偏误发生原因,得出结论,然后再回过头去利用这些结论解决学习者偏误的纠正问题。这些个案探讨的实践反过来又验证了这种探讨范式的必要性、可行性和优越性。Learners' errors-based contrastive studies can be considered as an innovative approach in the field of con- trastive linguistics. A further examination of the errors with cognitive linguistic theories leads to a new research para- digm, probably no less innovative : Errors - Contrast - Cognition (ECC). The paradigm may appear deviant from the mainstream approaches, but it finds support in general linguistic principles as well as general practices by linguists. It has also been evidenced by specific studies in the author's project "A Cognitive Study on Japanese Learners' Errors in the Chinese Context". The case studies there are conducted along with EEC : each starts from learners' errors, and goes on to observe the similarities and fundamental differences between Japanese and Chinese languages in light of cognitive linguistics; conclusions are then drawn of the error causes, which in turn are used for their correction. This research practice proves the necessity, feasibility and advantage of the paradigm.

关 键 词:日语 探讨范式 

分 类 号:H0[语言文字—语言学]
