
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张悦 ZHANG Yue(Zhou Youguang Linguistic and Cultural College, Changzhou University, Changzhou Jiangsu 213164, China)


出  处:《兰州工业大学学报》2017年第5期127-130,共4页Journal of Lanzhou Higher Polytechnical College

基  金:2017常州学院教育教学探讨课题(GJY2017057)

摘  要:认知语言学角度日语助词から"的多种语义构成及语义扩张过程进行略论,指出"から"的认知语义结构中包含的三个重要方面,即多义树形结构、内在本质意义和认知主体意识。在总结出"から"的"认知焦点化""认知焦点的强化""抽象化""主观化""内在化"五种语义扩张模式的基础上,归纳出便于认知和记忆的多义树形结构,对先行探讨中较少涉及的内在本质意义和认知主体意识进行了强调,点明了"から"所蕴含的内在本质意义为"转换的分界点",其反映的认知主体意识为"转换意识"。From the perspective of cognitive linguistics,this paper analyzes the polysemy structure and semantic extension of Japanese auxiliary"から". We points out that there are three important aspects in the cognitive semantic structure of "から": tree diagram of polysemy structure,original meaning,consciousness of cognitive subjects. It sums up five kinds of semantic extension model which contains focused cognition,the intensification of cognitive focus,abstraction,subjectivization and internalization. Based on the five kinds of semantic extension model,tree diagram of polysemy structure is created to facilitate understanding and memory. It also emphasizes original meaning and consciousness of cognitive subjects which less involved in previous researching. And it is pointed out that the original meaning is the "boundary point of transformation",and that consciousness of cognitive subjects are "consciousness of transformation".

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
