
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张广 ZHANG Guang (School of Eastern Studies, Heilongj iang University , Harbin 150080, China)


出  处:《陕西学前师范大学学报》2017年第5期56-60,共5页Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education

基  金:黑龙江省高等学校教改工程项目(JG2017010090);黑龙江省教育厅人文社会科学项目(12542199);黑龙江学院新世纪教育教学改革工程重点项目(20171M6);黑龙江学院青年科学基金项目(QW201715)

摘  要:应用二语习得理论对日语间接被动句进行了实证性探讨日语论文,发现学习者中介语主要来自语际负迁移和语内负迁移。同时也存在少量的语义替换、迂回描述、简化等交际策略。日语被动句表达说话人受作用的主观情绪,说话人的主观关联性是其本质语义特征。引导学习者洞察这种文化心理本质,可以提高习得质量。Different from traditional constructive analysis ,this paper conducts an empirical analysis of the acquisition of passive sentences in Japanese based on the interlanguage theory .Previous studies show that the errors during the acquisition of indirect passive sentences in Japanese mainly result from negative interlingual transfers and negative intralanguage transfers In addition , communication strategies such as substitutions ,circumlocutions and simplifications are also the causes of errors . Passive sentences in Japanese express the speakers’ subjective emotions ,which determines that the speaker’s subjective relevance is the essential semantic feature of the indirect passive sentences in Japanese .Therefore ,it is crucial to make the learners realize this essence and provide them with the comparative Chinese -Foreign Languages reference during the acquisition of indirect passive sentences in Japanese .

关 键 词:对比略论 

分 类 号:G423[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
