
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:景栋花 Jing Donghua;


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第10期184-186,共3页

基  金:2017年山东省教育科学探讨课题:民办高校日语运用型人才培养探讨(项目编号15SB049); 2017年齐鲁理工大学校级教改项目(编号JG201711):民办高校日语系面向社会需求的运用型人才培养探讨的探讨成果

摘  要:中日两国有着悠久的文化交流历史,汉语词汇、日语词汇相互借用,互相渗透。清末民初大量的日语借词进入汉语,增加了汉语词汇的数量,丰富了汉语词汇的表现力,对汉语词义和语法都产生了作用。对这些来自日语的词汇在汉语中的定位,一直是一个比较有争议的话题,本文把清末民初大量传入汉语中的日源词汇分成六种类型,分别研讨不同类型的词汇在汉语中的定位。China and Japan have a long history of cultural exchange with the mutual reference and infiltration between Chinese words and Japanese words. In the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican Period, a large number of Japanese words were introduced into Chinese, which increased the number of Chinese words and enriched the expressiveness of Chinese words,having exerted an influence on both Chinese word meanings and grammar. The position of the loanwords from Japanese in Chinese has always been a controversial topic. This paper classified these words into six types and explored their positions in Chinese respectively.

关 键 词:日源词汇 

分 类 号:H035[语言文字—语言学]
