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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:卢茂君[1,2] 李蕊[2] LU Maojun, LI Rui

机构地区:[1]中央财经学院外国语大学 [2]中央财经学院外国语大学日文系

出  处:《中国教育技术装备》2017年第10期16-21,共6页china educational technique & equipment

基  金:中央财经学院教育教学改革基金2017年度资助课题项目“外语类专业学院生创新创业训练体系建设”阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:当前每年都有数十篇针对英语电子词典使用情况进行的调查略论及实证探讨,但对日语电子词典的专题探讨还很少见。日语电子词典关于学习日语的学生来说,在提高词汇量、阅读速度、写作和翻译等方面都有所帮助。但同时也出现过于依赖电子词典的问题,导致阅读过程中猜词频率和准确率降低;进行中日文对译时容易流于词与词之间形式上的转换,忽视语句或文章的前后联系及内在逻辑;写作文时容易过度依赖汉日词典,机械地将中文对照翻译,有碍日语思维习惯的形成;等等。近年来,语言类电子词典的功能不断加强,随着学生学习阶段的不断变化,其使用的功能内容重心也在发生变化,一部电子词典所具备的功能会一直不断地被使用下去,这也正是使用电子词典学习的好处所在,它会辅助学生学习的各个阶段,也许可以说是一个人终身学习的好助手。At present, there have been dozens of articles on theanalysis and empirical research of English electronic dictionaryusage. But the researches have still very limited for Japaneseelectronic dictionary. Japanese electronic dictionary is very usefulin improving students’ vocabulary, reading, writing and translating.Meanwhile, depending on electronic dictionary too many resultsin the reduction of word guessing frequency and accuracy. Whentranslating, students tend to focus on word equivalence rather thanlogic relations of sentences and discourses. When writing, studentsuse electronic dictionary so much that they write by mechanicaltranslating which hinders their developing Japanese way of thinking.In recent years, the function of electronic dictionary has beenincreased a lot and the students use electronic dictionary diff erentlyat different time and phase of their studies and even for wholelifetime after their graduation. This is why electronic dictionary isso good and important for the students.

关 键 词:电子词典 日语电子词典 日语教学 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
