基于语料库的日语词义区分-以“美 しぃ、”和“ きぉぃ”为中心[日语论文]

资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:和佳 HE Jia(Department of Foreign Languages, Culture and Tourism College, Yunnan University, Lijiang 674100, China)


出  处:《渭南师范大学学报:综合版》2017年第18期73-78,共6页Journal of Weinan Teachers College

摘  要:日语近义词的区分日语教学的难点和重点之一.为了更好地对形容词“美しぃ” 和形容 动词“ きぉぃ ”的词义进行区分,使用“ Webテ一タフつ基く形容詞用例テ一ベ一ス”语料库,对两者作连体修饰语修饰名词的情况进行了考察.两者都可表示美丽、漂亮、好看,但接续的名词种类不尽相同. 对“美和接续名词的数量、名词分类的略论,可以更加明确两者在词义方面的差异,以期为 学习者提供一定的参考.Distinguishing the Japanese synonyms, is one of the difficult and important things in Japanese Teaching. In order to distinguish Japanese adjective “美 LV、 ” and adjective verb better, Japanese corpus of adjective is used based on webdate to understand how they modify the, nouns as substantive modifier. Both can express beautiful, pretty, and good-looking, but the types of following nouns are different. By analyzing noun quantity and classification of nouns followed by and u, it can be more clearly the similarities and differences between the words. The paper hopes to offer some reference for Japanese learners.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
