
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陈玥伶 CHEN Yue-ling (Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300387, China)


出  处:《凯里大学学报》2017年第1期91-95,共5页Journal of Southeast Guizhou National Teachers College

摘  要:以1990年至2017年之间,在日本国内历史最悠久的三大电影节上获得最佳影片奖的电影片名为探讨对象,重点关注其中以重命名方式进行翻译的译名,阐明基于语用等效观的重命名翻译在翻译实践中的现实性与必要性。认为重命名翻译并不是所谓的乱译,而是基于语用等效翻译的一种翻译手段。在日语片名的翻译中,重命名翻译解决了很多传统翻译措施难以解决的问题,为电影起到了良好的广告效果,符合电影片名的实际需要。重命名翻译的价值应该得到更多重视并在今后的翻译实践中进一步充实其内涵。Between 1990 and 2017,the biggest Japanese film festival was as the object of movie title,focusing on the renaming translation by the concept of pragmatic equivalence and the necessity of translation practical usage. Thinking about renaming translation was not a so- called disorderly,but based on a translation that means pragmatic translation. In Japanese title translation,many traditional methods were difficult to solve these problems,and movie had played a good advertising effect because of the film titles. Therefore,the value of translation deserved more attention and further step to enrich its connotation in the future.

关 键 词:语用翻译 

分 类 号:H059[语言文字—语言学]
