
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:朱红军 ZHU Hong-jun (Wenj ing College of Yantai University, Yantai, Shandong 264005, China)


出  处:《青岛职业技术大学学报》2017年第3期25-29,共5页Journal of Qingdao Vocational and Technical College

基  金:2017年度烟台市社科规划课题(ytsk2017-042)

摘  要:随着涉外旅游业的不断发展,对外语类旅游人才的需求也在加大,但当前外语类技能型人才明显不足。从日语系的角度来看,旅游日语人才培养滞后,已经不能满足日益发展壮大的旅游市场的需要。胶东地区应该顺应社会经济发展的需要,开设并大力发展旅游日语系。在旅游日语系的人才培养模式和课程设置上要不断改革,培养出社会需要的运用型人才。作为教师也要不断提升自己的专业素质和教学技巧,以适应旅游日语系对教师队伍的要求。Currently,with the continuous development of tourism industry,the demand for tourism-engaged people is increasing.However,there is a desperate lack of accomplished and qualified professionals in foreign languages.For Japanese majors,the stagnated cultivation mode of qualified professionals cannot satisfy the increasingly growing needs of the tourism market.Therefore the establishment and development of Tourism Japanese Major at colleges and universities in Jiaodong peninsula should be taken into consideration in order to comply with the demand of social and economic development.Reforms and innovations in cultivation mode and curriculum arrangement are especially important in cultivation of application-oriented talents.As teachers,we should also constantly improve ourselves in professional quality and teaching skills so as to adapt ourselves to the requirement of Tourism Japanese Major.

关 键 词:胶东地区 旅游日语 人才培养模式 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
