
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:赵彦志 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期57-64,共8页

摘  要:本文考察的是日语命令句(Iシロ」で終わる命令文)与请求句(“~てください”で終わる依赖文)在语法层面的对比问题。与命令句相关的先行探讨认为其本身的句末形式分类中除シロJ rスルナ」外,还包括以r",日语毕业论文てくださしリ为结句的情况。与此不同,笔者在调查了大量例句后发现:~てください在表达请求义的句式中数量为最多,且与命令句在语法上彼此独立,日语论文,特征明显,不能笼统地归为一类。文中通过多方对比确立了请求句区别于命令句的语法特征,期望对今后日语语法体系的完善能有所裨益。This paper mainly discusses the establishment of"request dependence" in Japanese grammar. Traditional imperatives encompass a wide range, from "shiro" in the narrow sense and prohibitive "suruna" to "-te kudasai". With the transformation of interpersonal social relations, it is beyond the capacity of imperatives to provide all the forms. Such forms as "~te kudasai" present unified features, which jointly constitute a "request form". To verify the existence of such a form, the key point is the distinction made between the imperative form and the request form. This paper makes a tentative morphological and syntactical contrastive analysis between these two forms.

关 键 词:终助词 

分 类 号:H315.9[语言文字—英语]
