
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:樊天 FAN Tian ( Department of Asian and European Languages, Fuzhou University of Foreign Studies and Trade, Fuzhou Fujian 350007, China)


出  处:《长沙学院学报》2017年第4期158-160,共3页Journal of Changsha University

基  金:福建省教育厅社科B类项目立项课题“海西经济区日语人才需求日语精读课程教学改革探讨”,编号JBS14268

摘  要:随着海西经济区的发展,越来越多的日资公司入驻海西,为满足社会对日语人才需求,日语系的教学改革也不断被提出。从海西经济区的地域特点出发,将公司关于日语系毕业生的需求与高校日语系教学近况相结合,研讨运用型本科院校日语教学改革的策略,尤其是日语精读课程教学改革的途径。Along with the development of Haixi Economic Zone, a growing number of Japanese enterprises have been established in this area. In order to meet the social demand for Japanese talents, the universities have set up the major of Japanese. This paper did a sur- vey on over 100 Japanese enterprises in Haixi Economic Zone to analyze their demands for Japanese majors. Based on the regional char- acteristics of Haixi Economic Zone, this paper discussed the teaching reform of Japanese undergraduate, combining the current situation of undergraduate Japanese majors, especially the way of teaching reform of intensive reading courses, with the aim to cultivate Japanese talents to adapt to the social needs.

关 键 词:海西经济区 日语人才培养 日语精读 教学改革 

分 类 号:G642.0[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
