
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:袁琳艳 


出  处:《高教学刊》2017年第24期251-252,共2页Journal Of Higher Education

摘  要:日语的否定表达一直是探讨的热点之一,文章以否定助动词「ない」为中心,从语气角度讨论在实际应用中如何确定否定的焦点。参考益冈隆志的分类将否定表达分为内部否定型和外部否定型,内部否定型主要讨论助词「は」在确定否定焦点时所发挥的影响,外部否定型则围绕「のではない」展开论述,进而分别研讨如何定位内部否定型和外部否定型的否定焦点。The study of negative expression is one of the active fields. In this paper, the negative auxiliary verb Nai is taken as an example to discuss how to identify the focus of negation in actual use. Reference to the classification by Masuoka Takashi, the negative expression includes two types: internal negative sentence and external sentence. The part of internal negative sentence mainly discuss the role played by the auxiliary word Wa, and the part of external sentence focus on no-de-wa-na-i. Then the way of identification of the two types will be dealt with.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
