
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王连娣[1] WANG Liandi (The Japanese Language and Culture Research Center of Liaoning University of International Business and Economics, Dalian Liaoning 116052, China)


出  处:《乐山师范大学学报》2017年第3期50-52,71共4页Journal of Leshan Teachers College

摘  要:现代汉语中有女性撑起半边天的说法,但在封建社会的日本,女性被看成男性的附属品,男尊女卑异同明显。但是随着社会的进步以及人们认识的改变,女性的社会及家庭地位不断提高,使得女性自身意识发生了改变,"女性语"也随之发生变化。虽然在二战后日本"男性语"和"女性语"差别逐渐缩小,今后也还有进一步缩小的趋势,但不可否认的是在当代日语中仍有大量"女性语"存在。因此,剖析日语中"女性语"与日本社会及文化的潜在关系,探讨"女性语"的兴衰历程及语用嬗变是十分必要的,有其学术上的意义和价值。In Japan's long-time feudal period,w omen were subordinate to men in family and society.However,with the advancement of the society and the change of people's ideology,female language has came up and changed as the rising of women's social and family status and the awakeness of female awarness. It is undeniable the existence of female language in contemporary Japanese,though the differences between male and female languages are diminishing after WWII. Therefore,it is crucial and full of academic values to analyze the potential relationship between female language and Japanese society and culture as well as its development,changes and reasons.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语]
