
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王珊珊[1] WANG Shan-shan (Fujian Commercial College, Fuzhou, 350012, China)


出  处:《闽西职业技术大学学报》2017年第1期114-117,共4页Journal of Minxi Vocational and Technival College

摘  要:接续的角度探讨日语的"も"与汉语的"也"的差异点,探讨发现:当二者前接名词时是相同的,而二者与动词、形容词或形容动词的接续体现了"も"可以插入句子的谓语当中,而"也"不能;"も"与"也"都只能接在部分的副词之后;由于"も"与"也"的词性所致,"也"可以放在连词后或者句首、分句之首,而"も"不能。This paper studied the comparison between the Japanese " も "and the Chinese character " 也 " from the perspective of connection. The findings were as follows: firstly, when a noun is placed before the two characters, they are the same with each other; their connection with verbs, adjectives and adjectival verbs reflects that "も"can be inserted into predicates while "也 "cannot; secondly, both " も " and " 也 " can only follow after some adverbs; thirdly, due to their parts of speech, "也 " can be placed after conjunctions or at the beginning of a sentence or a clause while "も" cannot.

关 键 词:接续 

分 类 号:H369.35[语言文字—日语]
