
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:杨董玲 Yang Dong-ling;Suqian College


出  处:《佳木斯职业大学学报》2017年第11期380-381,共2页Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute

摘  要:拟态词是将包括人在内的一切事物的状态或样子,通过声音描写性或象征性地表现出来的词。其所表现的是包括人在内的生物、无生物以及自然界一切事物的样子、运动、变化等特征,是靠语素叠加起来的节奏感来表现动作和状态的,与声音没有直接的联系。本文将试着对日语拟态词和汉语的状态形容词的词形、意义、句法等方面地进行较全面比较,使我们对两类词有更深的了解认识。Mimetic words described by voice or symbol to represent the state of everything, including human beings, its performance is biological, inorganic, and nature, including human beings, the appearance of al things, motion, change and other features, is to rely on rhythm of the morphemes combined to represent the action and status, have no direct relationship with the sound. This article wil try to mimicry of Japanese words in the word and the status of Chinese adjective, meaning and syntactic aspects such as comprehensive comparison, makes us a deeper understanding of two classes of words.

关 键 词:日语 汉语 拟态词 状态形容词 比较探讨 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
