
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐雄彬[1] 王升远[1] 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第1期59-63,共5页

基  金:国家社会科学基金项目“文化殖民与都市空间--侵华战争时期日本文化人的‘北京体验’”(12CWW013); 吉林省社会科学基金项目“日本文化人在华北沦陷区的侵略活动及其涉华创作的翻译与探讨”(2017ZX27); 东北师范学院哲学社会科学校内青年基金项目(青年团队)“文学、学术视域中侵华时期日本对华思想战、宣传战”(1409048)的阶段性成果

摘  要:"九·一八事变前日本出于殖民统治需要,以朝鲜族是"日本国臣民"为由,在东北某些地区朝鲜族学校实施了以日语教育为重点的奴化教育,其核心是天皇制教育。本文以该地区朝鲜族学校日语教科书中天皇制教育为中心,略论"九·一八事变前日本在东北某些地区朝鲜族学校推行的日语教育的特点。经探讨发现,当时的日语教科书中对于语言教育的内容不到四分之一,而天皇制教育的内容所占比例却占到了三分之一,篇幅最多。天皇制教育主要体现在思想道德教育、历史神话教育、地理教育等方面。这个时期日本实施天皇制教育的本质是同化教育,主要目的在于使朝鲜族青少年了解天皇,忠诚于天皇,成为"日本国民",支持日本的对外侵略战争。通过略论最后得出一些对我国的启示。如:编写教科书应与实际生活相结合;关于日本右翼否认殖民教育历史的问题中韩两国应该联手应对;我国应警惕日本的文化"输出"问题等。Before the September 18th Incident, in order to serve its colonial government, Japan implemented the enslaving education with the core, Mikado education, over the Korean schools located in some northeast regions with the excuse that Korean was the "Japanese subjects". This paper analyzes the characteristics of Japanese education carried out in the Korean schools before the September 18th Incident, with Japanese Mikado education in Japanese textbooks for the primary schools as a case. The study finds out that the Japanese language education during that time accounts for less than a quarter of the textbook content, while the education of Mikado accounts for the largest proportion, about a third. Mikado education mainly focuses on the ideological and moral education, history and mythology education, geography and other aspects. The essence of Mikado education is the assimilation during that period, with the main purpose to make young people understand the emperor, be loyal to the emperor, become Japanese nationals, and support the aggressive war. What we can learn from such an analysis are that the compilation of the textbooks should be in conformity with real life, and when confronted with the fact that Japanese right-wing denies the colonial history, China and Korea should work together to deal with it. Moreover, China should be alert to the issues of Japanese cultural output.

关 键 词:日语教育 小学教科书 天皇制教育 

分 类 号:G40-055[文化科学—教育学原理;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
